Israel Palestine conflict - How it started and current updates

Israel-Hamas conflict updates

20th October 2023
  • U.S. President Joe Biden has reached Israel to manage the chaos post the air-strike on Al-Ahil Arab Hospital in Central Gaza.
  • Biden would be rendering efforts to prevent the situation from escalating. Biden would be meeting the Israel PM – Benjamin Netanyahu, army officials, and family of victims of the Hamas attack.
  • He has cancelled the pre-scheduled second-leg of his visit to Israel, where he was supposed to have talks with Arab leaders in Jordan.
  • Reported count of casualties: Gaza – 4,137; West Bank – 81; Israel – 1,403
  • Reported count of injuries: Gaza – 13,000; West Bank – 1,300; Israel – 4,629
18th October 2023
  • U.S. President Joe Biden has reached Israel to manage the chaos post the air-strike on Al-Ahil Arab Hospital in Central Gaza.
  • Biden would be rendering efforts to prevent the situation from escalating. Biden would be meeting the Israel PM – Benjamin Netanyahu, army officials, and family of victims of the Hamas attack.
  • He has cancelled the pre-scheduled second-leg of his visit to Israel, where he was supposed to have talks with Arab leaders in Jordan.
  • Count of casualties: Gaza – 3,478; West Bank – 62; Israel – 1,400
17th October 2023
  • Israeli air-raid on the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Central Gaza has led to death of around 500 patients and thousands of sheltered war-displaced Palestinians.
  • King of Jordan – King Abdullah II, has commented that Middle East is at the edge of abyss – “The whole region is on the brink of falling into the abyss. The new cycle of death and destruction is pushing us towards it. The threat that this conflict spreads is real. The costs are too high for everyone.”
  • Russia and UAE have requested for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, post the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital bombing.
  • Caneda has condemned the act of hospital bombing in Central Gaza.
  • US President Joe Biden to travel to Israel post the air-strike on hospital.
  • More than 6,000 bombs have been dropped by Israel since the Gaza attack on October 7th.
7th October 2023
  • Extremist organization “Hamas” launched attack on the Israeli city of Gaza at 6:30 AM morning, with a mix of ground and air attacks. Hamas launched around 5,000 rockets from the Gaza strip, while Hamas gunmen crossed borders into Gaza and went rampant with their guns and took several hostages. Another extremist organization –Islamic Jihad, also joined in the attack.
  • 9:45 AM, Israel responded with air-attacks in Gaza.

What is the origin of the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Israel Palestine conflict war, about Gaza, war updatesBirth of Israel:

In 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution called Resolution 181 to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. This led to the creation of Israel. David Ben-Gurion, who is Israel’s founding father, established the modern State of Israel on May 14, 1948. This provided a safe place for Jews who were being persecuted and wanted a homeland. However, Palestinians call the creation of Israel the catastrophe or Nakba.

Main issues causing the conflict between Israel and Palestine

·        Palestinians have been demanding for a state of their own.

·        Israel have been demanding security while it is surrounded with hostile countries like Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan.

·        Jewish settlements in Israel on the lands occupied in 1967, have been considered as illegal by many countries.
Israel has been defending this dispute and cites historical and Biblical ties to the land.

·        Israel has been claiming Jerusalem as its capital. Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their desired future Palestinian state.

Israel Palestine map conflict war Gaza

History of conflicts/wars due to the Israel-Palestine conflict:

·      In 1949, soon after the creation of Israel, a war broke out between Israel and Palestine, which forced Palestinians to get displaced from their homes in Israel to locations like Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

·      In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt and Syria, which lead to what is called the Six-Day war.

·      In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israeli posts near the Suez Canal and Golan Heights, to lead to the Yom Kippur War.

·      In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon, and thousands of Palestinians had to be evacuated though sea after a 10-week siege. Palestinians have been demanding for a state of their own.

Below map depicts how the Palestinian occupied region has changed over the years.

Where does the world stand in the Israel-Palestine conflict?


Historically, Egypt was against Israel’s cause, however after the Camp David Accords in 1979 Egypt has become neutral to issue and has maintained diplomatic ties with Israel. The citizens of Egypt though remain sympathetic towards Palestinians and their cause.


Jordan has signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994, therefore remains neutral towards the conflict. It was one of the countries where the displaced Palestinians had settled. The local population of Jordan stands against Israel’s actions against the Palestinians.


Lebanon has been hostile towards Israel, especially its Shia extremist group – Hezbollah, which is alleged to be receiving support from Iran. Hezbollah has been into multiple wars since 2006 with Israel in support of the Palestinian cause. Hezbollah is alleged to be the group supporting Hamas group against Israel.


Also read: Explainer: What you need to know about Hezbollah, the group backing Hamas against Israel | Reuters


Syria has been housing Palestinians in its refugee camps for decades, and is against Israel’s policies towards Palestinians. Golan Heights is a major point of contention  between Syria and Israel.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has also been a supporter of Palestinian cause for decades. It has been promoting the idea of two states as a solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Qatar has been maintaining a middle-ground in its relations with Israel and Palestine, where on one hand it supports Hamas, while also having healthy relations with Israel. It has also been acting as mediator for conflicts between the two countries.

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